Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My kids kill me

My little Bryson, somedays I swear he has the worst case of second child know where they do everything they can to make sure you dont want a third.

He literally the sweetest little boy on the planet one minute then BAM he is a spawn of Satan. (Ill blame this on his dad, he was also a delightful child)  The last 2 days I have felt like super crap and he has been SO wonderful about letting me rest.  Sleeping in and then snuggling with me before I have to go to work and all.  Well yesterday as I finally got up and ready for work this switch flipped in him.... like wait...moms out of bed, she must feel better,  now I can be naughty. Everything was fine until he ran his bike into a wall amd knocked down a chalkboard. I didn't even get mad but he lost it.  While getting caught up in how upset he was...for his own actions he thought he should be mad at me.  So as Im having a conversation with a friend who lives in Texas he says, "Just send me to her house!"
Who's house??
"Your friends house!  The girl your talking to!"
She lives in Texas.
"Well!! Send me to Texas, I dont care."

He kept suggesting I send him. Then he decided he wasnt coming with to get Miah from school, he was staying home alone. When I told him it wasnt an option and picked him up he tried to put me in a headlock,  im sure my neighbors enjoyed the show. 

Then he preceeded to say he was going to punch me!! Hold up kid. I told him kids that are naughty like that get sent to jail. What does he say??
"FINE! Call the cops then, I dont care."

So I pretended to do so. That had the water works going real fast!

Then after I got home from work he was a new, sweet adorable kid.

Today, I get home from work and he tells me, in the most excitement ever, his win from church tonight...

"MOM!! I didn't call anyone stupid tonight at church!!""

Ugh, this was also his excitement after his first day of prek. ** He also wanted to make sure if he slips at school and gets kicked onto the street,  that Ill come grab him from the curb. 😂 I assured him, although he would get in trouble, they wouldnt kick him into the street. **

Obviously I told him how awesome that was, but come on dude....cant we just be nice alllllll the time.

Although his are usually pretty out there,  Kamiah likes to compete with him on who can make me crazy the fastest.  And since shes 6, she always knows more than I do. 😐

Somedays I feel like a crazy person for thinking about another,  but they are just so wonderful, why not add another?! 😂😂

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