Thursday, September 14, 2017

Relationships suck 😂😂

But hear me out, I love the one I'm in.  I just think its shitty how nobody lets you know growing up how much work they are, ESPECIALLY after kids.   Like they say being a mom is a full time job...but really being in a committed relationship - one that you want to grow in a healthy manner- is at least a part time job.  Once we had a family we kind of said,  screw the part time job. We didn't mean to, but we did.  We knew that we needed time for JUST us and we needed to figure out new ways to be excited about eachother. But we didnt.   We still loved eachother but we didnt like eachother much sometimes.

Last month we had this nasty wall we hit. It was a wall we built together through the neglect we were giving our relationship as a couple.  It wasnt just one person, even though at the time it felt that way.  We as a team stopped working on us and that led to a big nasty wall.

We have hit them before, everyone does, but this one was different.   This one was we both dive in 110% to us or we let this wall defeat us.  This is where our world today makes relationships suck.  Today our world has forgotten how to keep a relationship together. I LOVE looking at the fact that my grandparents as well as both of Jeremiahs have been together forever.  And being a realist, I know they made it through their fair share of shit.  But they never gave up, they grew up in a time where that was not what you did.

So we decided to take a couple days to get over ourselves and to get to work on ourselves.   We had some very real, very serious conversations and it honestly filpped this weird switch.   It was really like God was saying, "Hey! Wake up and pay attention to eachother."  We have started to be excited about eachother again, paying attention to eachother like we havent in probably close to 8 years. (A total of almost 10 together)

If you are still reading im going to tell you a funny story....but I'll  warn you now, if a seriously funny story about some of my sex life is too much for you, stop reading NOW!  But if you need a good laugh,  id suggest reading on. 😂

Im going to be super vulnerable right now and lay this story out....

So after this new switch flipped for us we were having some really fantiatic make up sex. And honestly we were about done when it happened....he slipped.

And while trying to quickly put his member back where it was it slipped and tried entering the NO zone. It didnt, but I shit you not, the attempt felt like sitting on top of a cannon as the ball gets shot out!!

I quickly sat up and there was a lot of swearing, and then I felt like I was going to puke....that shit really hurt!

Next thing I know I'm being violently shaken from what I thought was a peaceful sleep....wrong.   As I opened my eyes Jeremiah sat back and took a deep breath,  "Jesus Michelle!!! I couldn't wake you back up!!! I almost called 911"

Umm what??   Yeah, I literally got knocked out having sex. 😂 

I still wasnt remembering what happened.  "Michelle all the sudden you were laying on your side, eyes rolled in the back of your head, hands bent funny held up to the top of your chest(I imagine something like a dead squirrel), and half snoring(peaceful sleep)!" "I thought I was going to have to call 911, but decided to give you one last shake!!" "You were out for minutes!"

At this point I did what any normal person would do, I busted out laughing.  Did this really just happen????   You guys, I wish I could give you the expressions on Jeremiahs face....could you imagine that 911 call???? Ummm my girlfriend and I were having sex and she got knocked out. 😂🤤

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha good read girl. Scary my bf passed out a few weeks back from how much pain he was going thru from a broken arm nd being dehydrated n I can't imagine it happening while having sex. Oh my.
