Monday, September 11, 2017

Lets try this again!!

Ok. It's been awhile since I've done this so let me give you a quick run down.

My grammer may not alway be correct, I don't care.

My life is a circus,  Im well aware and Im ok with it.

I plan to be super real. Who wants to read fake shit?  We have FB for that. 😂

I have 2 insanely amazing kids and a wonderful boyfriend  (technical term, been together almost 10 yrs... we are practically married).  We have two crazy, lazy cats and always have something nutso happening. He is a mechanic and I work part time along with a network marketong job!  Our kids keep us SO busy!!

So, today was Brysons first day of preschool. He is 4 and could care less about learning....seriously, he was not impressed when I told him he had to learn letters and numbers now.  He is the total opposite of Kamiah, our 6yr old.  Kamiah went into PreK knowing how to write her name....Bryson may or may not be able to sing his ABCs.  He can ride with the big boys at the BMX track and tell you different motor parts!!! Count to 10? Forget it.  Im setting aside extra prayers for his teachers. 🙏🤣

Today we had to leave him crying at school and it killed me!!! Maybe its a mom/ little boy thing but he knows EXACTLY how to pull at my heart strings.  When I picked him up he was SO excited to tell me he didnt have to learn letters today. Haha, ohh wait.

Kamiah had a zillion things to do today and her first day for Lyrical rec team at dance was one!! Then I had to be "that mom" and pull her out of her ymca activity 15 min make bed time.  I mean...its from 6 to 8, I feel like a weirdo thinking thats a tad late for little kids on a school night.  But Im not kidding when I say, If she isnt in bed close to 8pm she is a monster in the morning.  I also understand this is karma. I was and possibly still am, not a morning person.  If I knew this would be my punishment as a kid, my ass would have flown out of bed EVERY MORNING!  Sorry, mom and dad.

Since FB would probably block my posts if they were this long, Ill keep the good stories here! But for now, today was mild.  Busy,  but uneventful.   Off to do some laundry and get my butt to bed.   We only have so much sleep time comfortably before Bryson makes his way downstairs and sneaks into ours!

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