Tuesday, September 19, 2017

That baby grip

Remember when your kids were little tiny babies and they would grip their hands on to anything they could?  When Kamiah was a little tiny baby she would always grip onto the top of my shirt. I would sit there and stare at her forever and think about how much I loved her and how amazing this tiny little person was.

Last night she fell asleep on the couch and I decided to pick her up and bring her into my room for the night. When I grabbed her she woke up just enough to reach out and grab the top of my shirt and didn't let go. For a minute my brain stopped working and went back to when she was just this tiny little baby and that was all I could see was little tiny Kamiah in my arms. When I put her down into bed I had to pull her hand off of my shirt and I seriously almost cried. How could it be that my little tiny baby is 6 years old? It's amazing how fast time really goes. Everyone tells you to enjoy your kids when they're little because it goes so fast but you never really understand how fast it goes until you look back and realize that your babies aren't babies anymore.  As she was cuddled up next to me all I could think about was the little old lady in, I'll love you forever, and how she carried her big adult son to his bed and how fast time went for her.  I can't imagine how fast the next 20 years is going to go but I know that I will do my best to soak up every second with my beautiful little kiddos that I can.  ❤💙

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