Thursday, May 22, 2014

My super ordinary family.

Im Michelle,  most of you reading this probably know that.

I feel like a lot of things happen every day and sometimes I, am I the only one that has these problems?  After reading other blogs I realized, im not.  But I also realized i took comfort in reading that other people felt the exact same way.

So this is the start of my blog.
Im not an English major, so this will not be flawless.  It will be honest. 

I have two kids and an amazing other half.  We are not married but after 6 1/2 years..whats the difference?

Kamiah is three.  She is sure she is at least 13.  She is beautiful and smart, sometimes too smart.  And she is sassy.  She keeps me on my toes and constantly makes that voice go off that did the same thing to your parents.

Bryson is almost 10 months.  He is a ham.  He gets into everything and gets frustrated easier than any baby I have ever met.  He loves to keep up with his sister.  He also insists I am an open snack bar.

Jeremiah is amazing.  One of the best dads a person could ask for, for their kids.  He is a marine mechanic and Kamiah will be the first to tell anyone he fixes everything :)  He has made it possible for me to be a stay at home mom....little did I know it is WAY harder than it sounds.

And then there's me.  I am 25 and im a stay at home mom.  I do run a business out of my home that I truly enjoy.  And recently I decided to accept an offer to pick up hours at our local Once Upon a Child....let me tell you, those short 5 hour shifts are a wonderful break some days.  When I met Jeremiah I told him flat out that I had no interest in being a stay at home mom.  I wasnt going to just stay at home and play with our future kids all day long while he went out to support our family.  LOL. Well this me laughs at that statement.

When we had Kamiah I couldn't bring myself to want to work again.  But at that time it was our only choice.  When Kamiah was 10 months I got laid off from my assistant manager retail position.  And that was it.  I became a stay at home mom.  It was just a lot of fun the first few weeks.  I quickly realized how much more work it was then my full-time job.  Then came Bryson.  Well two is a lot worse then one in terms of mommy work load.  Nap when the baby naps? Ha, not when you have a toddler.  Accidently fall asleep....well you wake up to a nail polish covered two year old. 

I could go on with the stories from the last ten months as a stay at home mom of two, but then this would be a book.

Today I forgot how nice it was out and let the kids play for a few hours in the sun.  Well, hello first sun burn.  Lucky for them they have daddies skin and its barely pink...I look like a lobster in some spots.  Needless to say I am now fully stocked on sun screen.

When we got home today the house was a disaster.  From running errands and picking up a shift at work there was no time for house work.  Its amazing how fast it gets messy.  So I get home to a cracker from yesterday morning smashed on the floor, laundry and a sink full of dishes.  Oh yeah!  We may have had a play date with a friend that had head lice,  so we also get to clean  EVERYTHING, just incase. I also would like to try to get this thing called dinner made before Jeremiah gets home,  although since work is busy idk when that is.  Kamiah got a sprinkler today and wants it set up like, 10 minutes ago.  She also wants ravioli for dinner and wants to help with the dishes.  Bryson wants to be held and is sure he needs a boob.   

After managing to get it all done.  Kids fed and bathed, dinner made, and some quick outside playtime, Jeremiah gets home.  After he eats and showers I sneak away to a bath to have just a small break...feeling guilty the whole time because Bryson wants to be nursed or held or something along the lines of seeing me less than a foot away from him.

And now its time to get them in bed.

Ill sleep for hopefully 2 hours before Bryson decides he needs a quick snack to fall back asleep and then maybe an hour or two before the next snack and so on....I swear he needs to sleep one night.  What would I do?!  Probably be up every two hours making sure he is still breathing.  Don't babies enjoy sleeping?  Man...well off for the night :)

Sweet dreams my non mommy friends...or the lucky mommy friends that are not night long buffets ;)

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