Friday, May 23, 2014

A long day of play

Well today was another hot day in MN.  We got to play outside a lot!  First thing was sunscreen!!
Our grass has gotten so long in like 5 days I felt bad the kids had to play in it.  So after they cooled down with the sprinkler I opened up the car and strapped Bryson in his carseat for a few minutes and mowed a patch of grass for them go play in.  Filled up their little pool with some cool water and then mowed a little more.  Now, I figured someone would pull over and ask me why I was leaving my kids to play in water while I mowed but the more I thought about it I decided it was fine.  It was maybe an inch of water and my eyes never left them. I mean, if Jeremiah wasnt working like a mad man he would have gladly done it...but I had to and the kids stayed safe and cool while I did so, np biggie.   How would a single parent do it...find a sitter? Probably not. Lol

I ran into the house to grab towels and asked Miah to watch Bryson.   She didn't.  I told her if she didnt start listening better she was going to start getting things taken away, to which she replayed,"Ok! Ill get more things for Christmas."  Uhh....I was so thrown off I couldn't even explain why that was not the right answer for a minute.  Then we had a talk about how she cant just expect things. 

Ill be the first to admit they are slightly spoiled kids.  BUT Kamiah is very respectful.  I dont think I have ever given her something and she wasnt greatful with a ton of thank you mommys' and I love yous.  The second the greatfullness stops, obviously the extras will too.    I feel so blessed to have a side income in my business to give them things they don't necessarily need.

Tonight we had a play date.  Mary and Jack came over.  Its nice to see our kids play so well together :)  A long day of sun was ended with some Sundays and Megamind.  Jeremiah isnt coming home tonight.   He is working late on a side job with a friend.  I cant begin to express how much I appreciate everything he does for his family.

Sometimes I feel like people see a stay at home mom and the guy working really hard and think, "wow...he works his ass off and she sits at home."  It kills me to think people might think this about us some days.  But to be honest he does work his ass off, but we both do.  I feel like people choose not to see everything it takes to keep a house together.  Kids happy, fed, smart, and friendly.   Thats a crap ton of work too.   And props to the moms that do all of that on top of a full time job.  I already feel like there are not enough hours in the day...take 8-10 away from me and nothing but snuggles would be getting done.

I feel like I was 110% born to be a mom.  The fullness I feel in my heart looking at my kids during the day is unreal.  It boggles my mind that this isnt the feeling every parent gets.  I take it as the most serious reward and most amazing blessing.

I am a bit bummed im missing a surprise bday party for my best friends husband...who also happens to be Jeremiahs my brother in law in a lack of better terms.  But leaving my kids with a sitter just didnt seem worth the night away. 

Im also being a bit of a baby,  which is maybe why this is a little long and jumping all over the place. Lol.  I hate sleeping in our house alone.  Ik its silly, but even knowing Jeremiah is just somewhere in the house I feel so much safer sleeping.  He has been trained to kill (marines) and I think about all these dumb things that might happen.  I swear, one house creek and I automatically assume someone is in my house. Haha....ahh.  Well I need sleep.  Hopefully I stay sane.

Baby cuddles and sweet dreams <3

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