Tuesday, August 12, 2014

To the mommy bloggers who understand.

Lately I have read a few blogs that have made me cry.  Not because they are sad, because I feel so much comfort knowing things I feel are normal enough for others to blog about them.

Your baby is one and still on the boob?
- well yes and yes.  He is also likely my last.  Im being a bit selfish and not forcing him to wean.  He isnt ready and neither am I.  Obviously if I needed to I would.  Or if he was no longer interested in nursing it would be over.  But neither are the case.  Im going to soak up all of the bonding time I can.  I dont plan on doing it a whole lot longer but for now im in no rush.

Why yes, my kids usually end up in our bed.
- who am I kidding, they also often start in our bed.  Actually tonight is our first night of making Kamiah start in her bed.  Bryson has been working on it for a week now....its going to be a long process.  Im so ready to have my bed back to just myself and Jeremiah.  Im ready to not be an open food bar for one while being kicked in the face by the other.  But im going to miss waking up and seeing sleeping angels next to me.  Ill miss playing with their hair while they sleep.  And ill miss the super close snuggle.  But, I am ready to sleep long enough to dream again.

Aw, you look tired.
- No sh**, thanks for telling me how great I look sans make-up. I cant remember the last time I slept a few hours in a row.  I have maybe had 3 dreams this month...because I dont sleep long enough to dream.  That is crap sleep.  And even if I DO have the opportunity to sleep a few hours straight- I cant.  Im worried about someone not breathing.  Someone needing me.  Someone not warm enough or someone who might be sick.  I worry...I am the worst "what if" thinker...but it causes me to love my peanuts to the fullest. Enjoy each second.   Know that tomorrow is a gift that may not be given.

Yes, im with my kids and on my phone.
-No im not creeping some random person.  Im not reading crap stories and im not playing dumb games.  Im most likly checking my emails for work.  Answering a question for a customer, helping someone join my team....this is my job.  Yes, you probably seen fb up.  This is where I send and receive 99% of my work messages.  So unless you have nothing better to do dont tell me, "maybe you should put your phone down and watch your kids."  Because that phone is allowing me to make money to be with them and not pay someone else to raise them 40+ hours a week.  There is also a good chance im videoing, taking pictures or snapchatting my kids to my family and friends who are not lucky enough to see them as often as we would like.  But thanks for being concerned ;)

These were just a few blog topics that made me feel like even with the weird looks and or comments....im not alone, chances are you are right there with me.

Well.  Both kids are sleeping in their beds.  Time for this mommy to sleep while its just two in my bed...because by morning im sure it will be 4 <3

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