Friday, August 15, 2014

Thank god for Confianza!

Holy buckets.
Today was nuts.

Get home last night late.  I did happen to see some marker on my carpet.  Asked what happened when I got to my very full bed.  Miah says "Bryson got into my markers."  Fair enough.  Kid is quick!  And he loves to do what his sister does.

Fast forward to my morning.

I wake up in my daylight filled room to a marker filled baby boy.  Head to toe.  Green marker.  Not light green...dark green.  Ok...time to go downstairs and change his butt!  Scratch that.  Hes going straight to the tub.  Get out of the tub and start to walk around the living room....there's a crawling marker my couch.  Two of the three sections...covered.  Keep following the trail,  into the toy and table...covered.  There is also a trail of a biscuit everywhere. Find the marker at his stopping point.

Seriously.  What happened last night?!  "Kamiah, what was daddy doing when Bryson had that marker?"  "Ohhh.  He was just on his chair.  On his phone."

Haha.  Fail. Good this we can laugh about it.  Thank god for crayola washable markers. 

Bryson naps and we go into town.  Of course I get to where I need to be a realize my wallet is at home.  Track down Jeremiah (on his was out to run a boat for work) and get his card.  Bryson is pissed because he hates the car.

Get to our first stop and mom calls. Says to come grab her.  Go get her.  Get back to our stop.  Shopping and my sister calls.  I have spoken to her 4 times since Feb.  She wants to talk to Miah.  This breaks my heart.  **rewind a few nights, Kamiah is on moms phone snap chatting.  She randomly makes one for auntie Katrina,  "hi Katrina!! I love you and I miss you, hi auntie Trina love you.  Mommy, find katrina for me.   But I cant.  So it goes to my dad.  I cant tell her that though.  I did have to tell her she might not get one back...she waited anyways.**  Kamiah os syked to say hi, im bummed knowing it will possibly be months until she can say hi again.  Get our stuff,  leave and on our way out seen someone that I have been itching to meet....but let it go. Haha...

Go and get all the expensive adult crap nobody warns you about that coats a million dollars. soap, laundry detergent,  body wash, yadda yadda.  Then try and get home.  Attempted to get the lawn mowed. Kids in the pack and play (in the back yard so only our neighbors could have seen this sight) and then I run out of gas.  It also keeps dieing l, and when I restart it, it makes this loud crack.  I dont know what the hell I did but it worked. Haha.  Then Kamiah has to pee.  Go inside and make dinner.  The yard is totally not finished.  Opps.

Now its bed time.  Bryson is in his crib,  but he didnt fall asleep there.  Ok. So im taking baby steps.  Yes I want to sleep again.  But I also enjoy his snuggles.  So its a slow process.  

Now im going to fall asleep for, hopefully a few hours.

****update,  incase you care****  its been 20 minutes.  Bryson is up.  And wouldn't close his eyes again until he had his human paci.  Blah.  Might be a long night. if I was expecting something else!

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