Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happiness is...

Being positive.

This weekend my facebook was filled, and I mean filled with people complaining about the dumbest things.  I fought with myself t not feed into it.  Dont they realize once they stop getting mad about the things they cant change, or the things that dont actually matter as much as they make them out to,  positive WILL come to them. 

For the record, ignorance is NOT bliss.  Its annoying.

I can't count the amount of times this weekend my heart felt like it might just exploited with love.  These little humans we created....they rock.  They are absoulty amazing.  And seeing Jeremiah with them, even more amazing.

Yep, he drives me crazy.  But most of the time when I see him smile at me I feel the same way I did almost 7 years ago when we met.  Its unreal.  Makes me believe in fate.  Totally serious.  This also makes it possible to love him more and more each day and still want to kill him in between.  :)

So many people have failed relationships.  They have romance. They have passion. Adventure. Excitement. They have everything, but always one half lacks respect.   I'm blessed.  Jeremiah has an amazing amount of respect for me, andb I for him.  Forever & always.

Its been a crazy long weekend and I slightly dread tomorrow having to confront someone being negative. Its kind of silly.  But its toxic,  and you cant let that in.

So, if you are reading this tonight I challenge you, go a week with out being negative. Nothing negative on social media, if you feel it pause and forget it.  Post something positive every day.  Make someone's day each day.  Tell me how you feel after a week.  I bet you feel great.

We are ending our night in this storm watching things that make us laugh.  What better way to fix a semi stressful day than to go to bed happy??


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