Thursday, July 10, 2014

Quick enough to catch....a mommy must.

Nope.  Not a ball.
Puke....lots of puke.

Before anyone is a parent the thought of watching someone else puke is disturbing...let alone catching it.

Kamiah has been telling us lately she doesn't feel good to get out of things, finishing her dinner... cleaning her toys up... sleeping in her bed.  So today when she said she didnt feel good I kind of blew it off.   Until I was catching her vomit in my hands and had it running down my leg.

That was 8 hours ago.  Just now im in a bath getting the pizza & goldfish puke off of me.

I did mention I was gonna hop in the bath.  And then I get, really....your taking a bath?

Ok...ill get out.  "No, no thats not what I ment...."

Actually it was.  But you're being nice.  I will make it quick though.

I could sit in here forever.  Grab a drink and keep reheating.

Yep...that lasted 5 minutes.  Oh to a bed made for two with 4.  I always said I wouldnt be that mom....the one with all kinds of kids in bed with her.  Well I am.  I love their snuggles.  But I will also enjoy the night they are in their own bed.  Just not quite there with Bryson and I feel like its not fair to Miah of he gets to and she cant.

Last night I slept great, for the first 3 hours.... (thats a lot)  Jeremiah took the kids in their room and had a slumber party.  He is the best.  When Bryson woke up my half asleep body just got up and grabbed him.  Jeremiah told me he had a bottle and I could go back to sleep, but he had to work in the morning so I decided to let him sleep.  He really is great though.

All day Bryson sensed Miah was getting more cuddles than usual....this resulted in him climbing all over me.  It was wonderful.

Well, Miah wants some toast....which means ill most likly be waking up to terrible smelling toast be tossed up tonight.  Crossing my fingers im wrong.

Night <3

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