Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Giving to give.

This week has been crap.  Poor Bryson had tubes yesterday and has been a hurting unit.  Kamiah wants extra attention because Bryson is getting extra attention.  My mom thought she had a heart attack so was over night in the hospital.  I obviously called into work when my mom was in the hospital and then had to find someone to take my shift today because Bryson still needed me.  I was overwhelmed because I had a plan that fell through on the other end.  Then the realtor selling our house says she wants to show it today......ahhh!   I dont have time to clean it.  But I do.  And then I think of how thankful i am that someone who already worked a full time job today picked up my shift at work.  I dropped her off a gift card for Starbucks.  Not because I needed to.  But I wanted her to know I really did appreciate what she did. 

Sometimes people surprise you. And its nice to do that for other people.  Its a great feeling.

Jeremiah got home today and we went and looked at a house in town to rent.  Total fail.  Looked great.   But the renter felt for us and gave us all the details the owner would have left out.

This is Karma.  I did something nice for someone who did something nice for me.  And then a stranger did something nice for me when she didnt have to.

This is why I give. Just to give. 

On another note....Bryson is almost one.  I am REALLY sad to almost be done nursing.  I love the bond.  But I dont want to be that weird mom nursing a toddler.  Its time to be done, but im really sad.  What if he is my last one.   What if I never get to nurse a baby to sleep again.  Its probably weird I think like that.  But I really do love the bond it creates.

My lil princess and lil prince are out.  Which means time to send some work emails, and go to bed!  Night world! <3

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