Saturday, May 23, 2015

Your childless friend.

We all know that couple that doesn't have kids...for whatever reason.  Maybe they cant.  Maybe they just dont want them.  Either way as people we know and care about it should be something we support. 

I have a few friends who dont want kids.  They are happy with their lives and kids are not in their planned future.  Thats ok. 

We all know how obsessed I am with our children. My life could not possibly be abother way.  They are my reason for everything and what I plan my world around.  But that doesnt mean im telling them their life needs to be the same.  And honestly, i may have at one time- before a friend posted something that made me see it for what it was....and maybe I could do the same!

The other day a friend posted to social that she didnt plan to have kids.  More than one person said that made them sad.  And those comments made me sad!! It actuall put me in a bad mood.  Why would someone you care about say something so negative about a personal choice you are clearly confident and happy about.

If someone posted on my status about loving my life with kids "that makes me sad" id probably remove them from my fb.  Maybe thats how they should think about it.

Next time you cross a friend who is happy without having their own kids refrain from posting something negative.  First off, you have no idea if they maybe want kids but can't have them....its not really a topic people post all over fb.  It would kill a person who might want kids and cant - but has come to peace with the situation, to hear someone say how sad it is.  Second if that is the choice that makes them happy, who are you to tell them its a bad one???

Social media creates this feeling of entitlement to people, they say things they wouldn't normally say to peoples face because they have the security of a computer.  But peoples feelings are just as real.  Think about your friends before throwing your beliefs all over theirs.  Its not your life, theres no reason for hating on theirs. 

Happy Saturday friends :)  Keep it positive out there in that crazy world of social media!!

Friday, March 27, 2015

This crazy little thing we call life.


When we are little and want to be all grown up it sure looks a lot easier than it is.  Bills, being parents, being significant others... its all looks easy.  Why?? Lol. Maybe because our innocent minds cant see stress, anxity, and the state of being competly overwhelmesd.

On Monday it will be 3 weeks since Bryson has a second set of tubes placed.  He also got his adnoids out.  Since he was 6 months he has been getting ear  infections  (usually double ear infections ) at least once a month.  Today we got meds for yet another one.  He threw the biggest fit when he seen we were getting ready to leave walmart.  Screaming at the top of his lungs.  Although im sure some of the looks and small comments from othera were to try and make him stop, so were just annoyed.  I wanted to yell, " People he is having a rough day and needs a nap." But really i was exhausted, and just didn't care what they thought.  Then was the fight to get him in the car.  Kid is strong!  Now we are sitting in the car in my moms driveway because he needs the nap.

Three weeks ago on Tuesday we got an awesome email from our previously nice landlord.  He said they want to sell their house and need us out asap to do so.  Our last day in the house is the 31st.  Oh yeah. No big deal.  Bryson just has surgery and we get to start packing.  So fun. NOT!

When you are growing uo and even when you start dating i dont think you really realize the amount of work that needs to be put into a relationship.  I know i didn't.  And then you just assume when you have kids things are just as easy.  But they get harder.  Now in this reltaionship you not only have to work to help your kids grow and learn but you have to remember you reltaionship still needs that too.  I am totally guilty of neglecting my reltaionship, to be fair so was Jeremiah.  We love eachother.  We have the same wants for our kids, the same goals in life.  We respect each other and miss the same things about our newly stared reltaionship from where it is now.  Then it just got to be too much. Those fights suck.  But maybe they are necessary.  We decided there HAS to be better communication. There has to be things we miss- us time, kissing, cuddeling, being us.    Thats hard to squeeze in when you get so used to just being parents.  Maybe i never really assumed relationships were so mucb work when i was younger because neither of my parents had long term ones while we were growing up.  Which, i am thankful for because there are many life lessons i took from that in my childhood.  But this last month it really hit me how important constant care for your relationship as well as your family is  needed.

We are working on staying with my mom until we find a place. So life is going to stay hectic for a while.  But I just going to believe its all in Gods plan and we will just keep moving forward.

I suppose its time to get ready for work. Until next time, Ill be trying to stay sane in this crazy thing we call life :)

Thursday, February 19, 2015


It's amazing to me how easy our happiness is to control, yet so many people are unhappy!

Before starting my home business the majority of my fb was filled with people who were unhappy.  New boyfriends ine week single the next and then back in love again craziness...people who hates their jobs...their baby daddy...ext.  Then i started It Works. A leader told me to rid all of the negative in your life.  I always thought if myself as a pretty happy,  positive person but i didn't  realize it could be better!

I took everyone that was crabby and drama filled off fb.  Hid them or deleted them.  That was step one.  Step two, I surrounded myself with positive people and made a point to not dwell i things I cant change  (thats still a hard on).

Its amazing how much control you have when you just take it!!  Having a bad day? Why...your job?  Significant other?  Someone you don't even know make you mad?  Change it.

You have the power.

Dont let someone else ruin your day, week,

Go to pinterest (im sure you have one) and look up motivational quotes.  Put them on fb or your phone.  Send them to someone and make them smil- it will make you smile too. 

Today Kamiah  asked me to make up a song for her and play it on her mini guitar.  The smile from the compliments was big but when she made one up for me and played it happiness poured out of her.  Be 3 again.  Speak from your heart and make someones will make yours!

Night loves!
Be happpy 😙

Monday, February 2, 2015

Garlic ears!!

Well.  We have been having the worst iasues with poor little mans ears!!  Even after tubes we keep getting infections.  And of course we needed to get one 4 days into our 2 wk fl vacation. He was a trooper though.  The only thing that helped with his night pain was garlic taped to his ears.  Sounds crazy. But it was legit!! Haha. Then we get home to try different antibiotics and they didnt work.  Poor little man had to get a series of 3 shots.  And still he is in pain. :(  Dr again on wed.

Kamiah has been a champ at meltdowns the last few weeks.  And boy does she have the best excuses.  Amazes me she is only 3, because her artitude is definitely 8 or 9.

Before we left for FL Jeremiah put electric start in my car as a surprise!  Best surprise ever!!! <3. He also cleaned (scrubbed) the car, buffed the headlights,  had a bubble bath ready for me when I got home and a glass of my favorite wine with candles.  Sometimes he definitely outdoes himself!!

I seriously have the best little family.  Even though in days like today, where one meltdown is followed by another and I want to pull my hair out or Jeremiah is driving me nuts, they still rock :)

Now, off to pull apart a fight and make Miah nap. Yay! 😕