Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A mommy day.

Well last night I left my part time job to take Bryson to the ER. On top of having a terrible cold and an ear infection, now his ear is leaking blood.  Wonderful.  11pm and we are out to get drops for a blown ear drum. Go back to mimis house and Bryson is somehow wired. 130am and we finally get to sleep. Until the 509 times he decides to wake up to nurse- yes he is still on the boob. 

Day comes and he is napping. I forgot about dance. Wonderful. Wake him up to go to dance for Miah,  he throws up. Ahhhh.  Yes I wanna go sit with dance moms smelling like toddler vomit.

Get home and try to fed the kids. Miah is having a hard time listening. Everything  is the end of the world, obviously the cure is for her to try and barter her good behavior for what she wants.  Not happening. 

Bath time. Kamiah is trying to goce bryson pretend medicine and he ends up under water. My heart stoped as I yanked him out.  Calm down and let him get back in and play.

Bath time if over.  Miah wants a snack. I tell her to finish her dinner. Nope she wants a cookie.  So the crying starts. For 15 minutes she is crying for a snack.  Bryson decided to come see me in what I hoped to be a quick quiet bath. Falls in trying to get a toy still in there.  So much for those jammies.   Them he is trying to climb over and nurse.  Seriously kid??!  Ahhh.  Kamiah is still throwing a fit for a damn cookie (that would still need to be baked).

Its only tuesday and Jeremiah is gone till fri.

Lord help me.

Xoxo- Super tired mommy.

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