Saturday, May 23, 2015

Your childless friend.

We all know that couple that doesn't have kids...for whatever reason.  Maybe they cant.  Maybe they just dont want them.  Either way as people we know and care about it should be something we support. 

I have a few friends who dont want kids.  They are happy with their lives and kids are not in their planned future.  Thats ok. 

We all know how obsessed I am with our children. My life could not possibly be abother way.  They are my reason for everything and what I plan my world around.  But that doesnt mean im telling them their life needs to be the same.  And honestly, i may have at one time- before a friend posted something that made me see it for what it was....and maybe I could do the same!

The other day a friend posted to social that she didnt plan to have kids.  More than one person said that made them sad.  And those comments made me sad!! It actuall put me in a bad mood.  Why would someone you care about say something so negative about a personal choice you are clearly confident and happy about.

If someone posted on my status about loving my life with kids "that makes me sad" id probably remove them from my fb.  Maybe thats how they should think about it.

Next time you cross a friend who is happy without having their own kids refrain from posting something negative.  First off, you have no idea if they maybe want kids but can't have them....its not really a topic people post all over fb.  It would kill a person who might want kids and cant - but has come to peace with the situation, to hear someone say how sad it is.  Second if that is the choice that makes them happy, who are you to tell them its a bad one???

Social media creates this feeling of entitlement to people, they say things they wouldn't normally say to peoples face because they have the security of a computer.  But peoples feelings are just as real.  Think about your friends before throwing your beliefs all over theirs.  Its not your life, theres no reason for hating on theirs. 

Happy Saturday friends :)  Keep it positive out there in that crazy world of social media!!