Monday, December 29, 2014

An amazing time of year! Minus having the Flu.

This time of year always brings back so many memories.  And im thankful to have an amazing family to make new ones.

Trying our best to remind out kids thats its the season if giving.  And at 3 thats a hard thing to understand.  But I think Kamiah has a good understanding.

Weeks ago I nominated my mom for a free cut and color a local salon was giving away.  With her always giving and never putting money into helself I thought it would be perfect, and she won!!!  For the lady who wears her shoes until they have holes and whos closet consists of shirts that were old boyfriends she deserves it.

One thing im thankful for is how she (and my dad )  raised us to be.  We were fortunate kids.  We had toys and clothes.  We were occasionally spoiled.  But times were also tough growing up.  My mom was the mom waiting in line for toys for tots and the giving tree to be sure we had gifts some let us keep the belief that there was a Santa.   One year I remmeber we had a shop with a cop day.  We got to get something for us and for mom.  And one year a bonus mom planned on didn't come.  Katrina and I were lucky enough to have gone to FL that year to celebrate with my grandparents and dad.  We were each given 150.  We each decided to spend 100 on each brother.   Idk many kids who would give up that kind of money to give to someone else,  but we were proud to do so!  And that memory sticks in my mind always.  I knew we were raised right.  I hope I can instill the same act of giving in our kids.

Last night we had our last Christmas.  It was a full week of the kids being way off schedule and boy did we pay for it.  An entire night of meltdowns.  I got so crazy angry at Kamiah for being so naughty.  She was hitting and kicking.  Screaming about everything she could think of...including how she didnt like my face. Lol

I held her arms and legs so she couldnt moved and she cried I just want you to hug and kiss me.  And that was it.  I grabbed her and snuggled her until she fell asleep.  Sometimes its easy to forget how hard a little life gets and its even easier to yell and scream in your own frustration.   But try and remember.  Leaving them cry and hurt might not solve as much as a good cuddle.

Be thankful for what you have and spread joy to those you can.  One day it may all be gone and you will have wished you stood back and done something different.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Greatful for wanting

The other day driving with both kids asleep in the car I thought to myself, I wish I had a newer car.  Which led me to think, a newer house would be great too.

Then I seen a man walking his bike up then hill with a small backpack.   He was clearly not biking because he wanted to enjoy the beautiful day.  It was like 10 degrees.

I started to think about all of the silly things I had wished I had in the last month....
A baby that slept in just a tad sometimes
A nicer car
A newer house
A bigger budget while shopping for food and gifts.

Then it hit me. I decided I had no need to long for things that werent necessary because I am already belssed with things many people dont have.

We have a car, two actually.   They take us where we need to go.  They keep our kids warm and they are reliable.

We have a home.  Its nice and cozy, and also keeps our family warm. Its nothing fablous, but knowing some people sleep under a concrete bridge makes it pretty fablous.

I have my baby to wake me in the morning.  I know too many that have lost little ones to know to never take for granted that baby that needs you.  That toddler that asks too many questions.  Those things that drive you nuts, are the things I know some miss the most.

We have a budget to buy food.  And are lucky enough to buy gifts, although they are nothing extravagant they are gifts.  And we cant wait to give them.  Im thankful we are able to feed our family like so many others cant.

This season im just reminded to be thankful. 

Kamiah was writing her sant list.  She started to write mine.  I had nothing to put on it.  I am happy.  As long as my family is, thats about all I can ask for. 

I seen on a group people (adults included) were making gift lists and giving them to people they know.  Its too bad thats what Christmas has become for so many.

If you have a little extra this season think about giving to someone else and doing something less for yourself.   It will make you feel good and so a great lesson to this generation.