Saturday, November 15, 2014

The hard stuff....

While posting this im enjoying a wonderful mikes hard lemonade in a nice warm bath.

Today I picked up some things for a friends daughters birthday party.  Of course Kamiah wants the frozen chap stick set.  Its hard explaining to a 3 year old that she can't have this really cool item that's currently at her house.  There is a part SO big in me that wants to say can have it.  But because she needs to learn lessons in life I have to stick my grounds, im honestly probably as bummed as her.  BUT Santa WILL be getting it for her stocking ;)

The other day I read this blog about how this wife was so thankful for her husband who was understanding through her being pregnant and nursing and then being pregnant and nursing again.....and I thought GOD! Im not alone.  I mean I feel terrible all the time that my sex drive is like non existent right now, but sometimes I feel even more terrible because Jeremiah is still so amazing about it.  I sent him the blog - I totally didn't think he would actually read it and for a day assumed he didn't.  Oh well :)  Then one night he says, "So you really think im that guy?" Yes. I do.  You are. :)  And soon.  Oh so soon Bryson will be done.  But im not pushing it as hard as I could because he is most likely my last baby....and I want to soak it all up.

I laughed at myself a little bit today.  I got off work and HAD to use the bathroom. Im been holding it forever. So im at the grocery store and the bathroom is in this area thats quiet.  And not popular like a Wal-Mart bathroom would be. So after I went, I sat there.  Hahaha. I checked my FB...creeped a little and then idk, maybe 5 minutes later someone came in and I realized I was still at the grocery the restroom.  Haha, the joys of soaking up the quiet!

This last week at work I have laughed so hard at the dumbest things. I love this part time job!!! Never a dull moment! Yesterday a WONDERFUL customer returned these super adorable moccasins.   They are 3 sizes too big for Kamiah but too small for her after a small heart to heart she convinced me I HAD to buy them.  They are in my pile of to buy items at work ;) 

This morning Kamiah dressed herself (pretty normal) and then proceeded to turn the shower on for herself and "take a quick shower"  Kamiah.  You're 3....and a half.  Please slow down!!! 

Listening to Jeremiah give Kamiah a cheer up talk and play Godzilla with blocks in the other room gives me the biggest smile on my face.  Seriously,  if god really has plans for people he was definitely mine!!

Well.  Enough of the crazy randomness for tonight :)  Off to finish my mikes and my bath and then to play with my family <3 <3

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mommy, you're driving me crazy!

So, in the car today Kamiah tells me she is my roommate.  She has been on this kick for a few weeks now.  I told her she wasnt. That she was my daughter. And a roommate is usually someone who pays rent.  Like Mimis friend Gilbert.  She said well, Bryson is my roommate.   Well. Kind of, but not really because you guys are both our kids. 

She starts telling me she just wishes she was a mommy. And a big person.

"Kamiah, be 3. Its wonderful. You get to sleep in, wear silly things,  snuggle with mommy and daddy, dont have to pay for anything, you get to lean an amazing amount of things and you dont have to worry about anything.  Be little as long as you can.  Because someday you will have to be a big person and then you cant go back."

"MOM. I just want to be a mom!"

"Sweetie. I love being a mom. Its my favorite job ever. But its a lot of work!  You have to always make sure someone is happy, healthy, have to pay bills and worry about things.  You can go back to being little once your a mom...

"Uhh.  Your giving me a headache."

Obviously my advice ended there.

Bryson is still nursing.  And today the little shit bit me because he wasnt getting milk fast enough.  Well he seen quick that biting means NO milk!!!

Then I posted on a mommy chat board on tip for weaning.  Some brilliant mom says to star feeding him table food and give him a paci.  Ummm. Yeah.  He has been eating table food for a solid 10 months and not moving from one habit to the next.   So ill stick to going for no advice and trying to wean him myself.   Why he can't do it easily like Kamiah, ill never know.

Jeremiah is sure his sleeping, or lack there of is because im nursing. But im convinced its an actual sleeping problem.  Kid wakes up between 10-15 times a night!   Yeah, no dreaming for me these days.  One day ill sleep again. One day :)

Well. I currently have an infant who has not yet discovered im in the bath, so im going to soak it up while I can.   Hopefully I wake up tomorrow a d magically dont have the flu anymore!!!!

Wishful thinking ;)